Note by Chris Mele

I have many many Ben memories. Honestly the hat in Cannes is pretty legendary. Our "welcome to the USA" dinner with Navarro was also pretty epic - David told Ben he didn't think much of the new website we had just launched under his direction. Ben thought it was infuriating and hilarious. Legends the both of them. 
This is a really nice one though... 
When it finally came time to sign the lease on the space in Red Hook, which was something I was kind of sticking my neck out with, we were wrapping up a summer Friday and it was just Ben and I in the studio. It was a really classic Brooklyn summer afternoon. The light in 20 Jay was always super glowy that time of day, we had concept boards all over the place, and things were just generally rocking at the time. We were really busy, growing, had a killer team, and both Ben and I had put a lot of sweat and love into Stink NY. Anyway I was going through the massive stack of papers on the standup desks and he came over with a big smile and said something really friendly and encouraging that gave me a confidence shot in the arm. I don't even remember exactly what it was, but it was a really nice moment and I think we were both proud and excited for the future. It was a special time for me and he was a big part of it. I miss it and I miss him.

— Chris Mele

Note by Kiersten Bergstrom-Pavlik