Note by Katie Flynn
Ben always ran with a group of insanely talented, kind people. I noticed it as soon as I started as a production coordinator at B-Reel, where he was the creative director. From afar, I hoped I could grow in my career enough to become part of his circle. We lost touch for a few years when he left B-Reel for Stink, but I kept tabs on his Linkedin and noticed when he made the switch over to Squarespace. As soon as an opening on his team appeared I jumped at the opportunity to work with him again.
On my first day Ben and I caught up over coffee and I asked what the ethos of his team was. He explained that there was no excuse to make anything short of the best work of your life at Squarespace. I left the meeting excited and confident about pouring myself into the craft with precision and relentlessness, all while keeping the needs of the business at the forefront. His guidance led me to exactly what we talked about, the best work of my life.
After a few months on the team he threw me onto the biggest project of my career to date. In the midst of a tense meeting he asked me to stay on the line once everyone else dropped off. He could sense I was low on confidence, and gave me a pep talk i’ll never forget. He flashed a smile that broke the ice and said “Katie, you were made for this. You are doing a great f-ing job.” That was all I ever needed to hear. When I was ready to move away from producing, he helped me start up a brand new position on the team focusing on operations. From that point onward, we were partners in the day to day running of our team.
I owe so much of my career to his support. I have no doubt I wouldn’t be where I am today without his unwavering confidence in me, no matter if I was his coordinator or his peer. It is a true honor to be part of his circle which has grown to be our entire team of 50+ at Squarespace. He assembled a group of people that exemplify his kindness, work ethic and impeccable taste. We will continue his legacy with great honor.
We miss you dearly, Ben. I will carry the lessons I learned from you forever. Thank you.
— Katie Flynn