Note from Maya Kincaid

An apple orchard, a horseshoe bar

A jazz club, a burger dive

Scratcher, clandestino

Abilene, bar great henry-

Upstate, out east, up mountain

Forever my friend-    

you are there, here, everywhere

Assured and assuring

Genius, yet gentle

Electric but effortless

You saw blinding beauty

Heard symphonic complexity

Felt depths to the bedrock

Then shaped and shared it with all around you

You opened new worlds with a word

        ignited bonds with a nod

        lifted courage and creativity with an easy smile

You made the world more interesting

Your knowledge, passion, artistry, kindness-

Singular and striking 

You left a world shook

For we loved and admired you- 

not because, or despite…

We just loved

Our hearts are forever with you

— Maya Kincaid


Note from Andy Lindblade


Note from Elisa Tan